Free Download O & O & Ome Professional Workstion / Server Version of Fullony Autonomous not connected to Windows Installer allows you to create an entire computer or individual files when you want, even a computer used. You should lose the data during the event and recover them quickly with only a few mouse clicks, not when the windows can no longer start.
revision. O & o quitig allows you to restore the system and copy or clone the entire computer or hard disk. You can even restore this backup for a computer with hardware other than the original machine. For example, you have replaced the motherboard in a target machine or purchased a new computer and you want to restore an old backup.
previously, in addition to backup of regular backup copies, it was necessary to create a start -up or & or to restore that backup. Now everything is cheaper! The new descent function automatically transforms the external hard drive (or the USB flash unit with sufficient storage space) for the start of O & or Distimage. It marks this album as a desired storage storage storage of the system.
When connecting this USB hard drive external to your computer, O & or DispTMage automatically generates a backup. This makes it easy to create a last backup. Let’s say something happens to your computer, or you want to transfer your system and all the data to a new computer, then using the start -up of O & or Dytmage. In this case, you can restore the backup stored with a single touch of the button, without the hauling of looking for a start of start -up and an external hard drive with a backup.
O & O & Distimage Professional key- Backup and rigid discs, clones and complete discs
- VHD Direct direct
- Additional Backup/Differential: Backup. ; Restoration on different hardware
- Image of a click
- E-mail warning
- Further information
- Work with the Microsoft virtual PC discs (VHD)
- Start CD with the basic operating system and rescue tools of the system.
He-Technical-Details and System-Requitements> Technical details and system requirements h3>
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